Biden’s measures in response to the pandemic – The send-off of Donald Trump – A musical tribute to the departing administration – Evening statistics
It’s only the second day of the new administration, and already we’re seeing a very different attitude in responding to the pandemic. Trump more or less assumed that the virus would magically go away once vaccines were developed; whereas Biden knows that the mechanism to procure and distribute the vaccines effectively requires thorough organization on a federal level. The measures he is prescribing – setting up vaccination centers, staffing with numerous additional workers (some recruited from the military and first-level responders), enforcing the wearing of masks in airports and on airplanes, requiring any international traveler to test negative before entering the U.S. – are all fairly self-evident, nothing that anyone would call particularly remarkable. But when even the most glaringly obvious has been neglected by the previous administration for months on end, these new mandates are as welcome as water is to a man who is parched with thirst after wandering for days in a desert.
Gradually, I hope, it will be possible to shift the emphasis of the journal entries, which have been overwhelmingly political of late, to the concerns centered around the pandemic and its effects on daily life. It will take a little while, because the contrast between the new administration and the one that has just terminated is so very extreme. Then, too, Trump will undoubtedly try to keep in the limelight by one method or other. His attempt to highlight his send-off yesterday morning to divert attention from Biden’s inauguration more or less fizzled. Few people bothered to attend it, despite the extensive list of invitations he sent out, telling each participant that he was allowed to bring as many as five additional guests in an effect to pack the event. He even invited former aides on his staff whom he had fired and publicly excoriated upon their exit, with the results that one might expect. The best response came from Anthony Scaramucci, who had been White House Communications Director and had lasted in that position for a bare 11 days, hating every minute of it: “I am having my fingernails pulled out at that time, sorry I can’t make it.”
EB has cautioned me that any sort of theatrical representation of the past events, of which I’ve given samples in various earlier entries, ought to end happily. Since the devotees of the 45th president must now be feeling in a disgruntled mood as a result of their failure to overturn the election, I present the following scenario for them as a consolatory gesture:
[The ELDEST SON and the SECOND SON are earnestly in conference, with the CHORUS listening attentively. While they converse, the DAUGHTER-IN-LAW ELECT continually moves her hands all over the ELDEST SON’s body in amorous caresses, which he scarcely appears to notice.]
SECOND SON: Can’t I shoot the Vice-President at least? He certainly deserves it, letting Dad down the way he did.
ELDEST SON: No, no, that sort of thing is best left to obscure underlings, who can easily be discarded afterwards at a moment’s notice. You can’t execute enemies with your own hands – that isn’t presidential, you understand.
SECOND SON: Aw, you never let me have any fun.
ELDEST SON: Don’t worry, when all of this blows over, we’ll take a long vacation somewhere in Kenya or Tanzania or one of those places, where we can bag elephants and leopards by the dozens, and maybe a few natives as well.
SECOND SON: Oh, goodie!
[The DOCTOR and the VIRUS COORDINATOR enter at this point.]
ELDEST SON: So, getting back to the logistics of this siege upon the Capitol – [looks up and notices the doctors coming towards him] Ah, yes – may I help you?
VIRUS COORDINATOR: We actually hoped to have a word with your father, if he’s available.
ELDEST SON [superciliously]: He’s rather busy at the moment. I’m sure he can see you eventually if you hang around a couple of hours or thereabouts.
DOCTOR: Well, naturally we have no wish to call him away from his imperative engagement at the golf course. We merely wanted to inform him of our departure, that’s all.
ELDEST SON: Oh, what, are you two resigning? Sorry to hear that, I’m sure.
DOCTOR: Yes, it seems that the counsel of you and of those who think like you has prevailed and that all of the precautions I recommended have been urged in vain. The best that I can hope, not only for you but for all of our countrymen, is that you do not find yourself in the position of that Greek general who once said, when congratulated about a victory over his opponents that involved massive casualties, “If we have another such victory, we shall be utterly ruined.” [Turns to the VIRUS COORDINATOR, who is looking disconsolate.] Come, Madam Coordinator, there is nothing for us here.
SECOND SON [to the ELDEST SON, in an undertone, as the two doctors leave the stage]: Hey! What general is he talking about, anyway? We don’t have any significant military action in Greece right now.
ELDEST SON [makes a gesture of impatience]: Never mind. They’re both gone, and good riddance I say. If they had had their way, everyone would be skulking in fear and our entire economy would have come to a standstill. Now that we’re finally rid of them, we can concentrate on the strategies for punishing the two chambers for conniving at stealing the election. Happily, with the efforts of the true patriots who support us, we’ll be able to assemble an amazing crowd to march on the Capitol. If all goes well, we’ll carry out a massive purge, and blood will run through the streets like rivers. We will prevail, never fear! – and when we do, we will show the world that a bright new day is dawning for our nation.
We march forward to the Capitol, with enthusiastic haste,
To thoroughly besiege it ‘til its halls are all laid waste.
It will be an awesome spectacle as never before was seen
As we devote our fervent energies to pillage and rapine.
Every renegade we’ll hunt down, as relentless as a flood,
And stain the floors incarnadine with their recreant bodies’ blood.
And, for the enjoyment of your son and of your daughter,
We may even organize an exciting general slaughter!
Glory to the Master, the true and only one!
Who in brilliance yields to no one, not even the sun
Sing the joyous message, over mountain, over plain
Over field, over stream, over rocky bleak moraine
From the isles of Hawaii to the eastern coast of Maine
Shout the happy paean over yet again
Ring the gladsome bells and merry chimes without delay
Spread the word along the roads and every country way
Let each and every one of us raise our voices as we say
Today is the dawning of a bright new day!
The doctor’s now defeated by the guile of dear old Dad,
I’m sure this news makes everyone extraordinarily glad.
Never will his directives now exert their baneful sway,
Cramping all activities and every holiday.
He’d have forced upon us many weary, tedious tasks
Such as social distancing and wearing of the masks
But he’s thwarted in his efforts to deprive of us of our ease,
Of our sacred right to sicken whomsoever that we please.
Glory to the Master, the true and only one!
Who in brilliance yields to no one, not even the sun
Sing the joyous message, over mountain, over plain
From the delta where the Mississippi’s long length comes to drain,
To the gray shores of Seattle that are always drenched in rain.
Shout the happy paean over yet again
Ring the gladsome bells and merry chimes without delay
Spread the word along the roads and every country way
Let each and every one of us raise our voices as we say
Today is the dawning of a bright new day!
Such baseless qualms! – Bugaboos of the feeble and the weak
Who’d cave in without a murmur to this meddling doctor’s freak.
We’ve set ourselves like flint against such foolish, trivial fears
Upholding liberty with many heady joyous cheers
We’ll continue to preserve the legacy that we’re bequeathing –
But why am I suddenly having difficulty breathing?
My sense of taste now seems to be completely off,
And I feel an overwhelming urge to hack and choke and cough!
[The music continues in joyous melody during the refrain that follows as the ELDEST SON breaks out into a violent fit of coughing and starts gasping for air as if he were drowning. The members of the CHORUS look on with horror as he gradually collapses to the floor, his limbs twitching in spasmodic movements for a short time and then suddenly becoming motionless. Some members of CHORUS make a hurried huddle and then they push the SECOND SON to the forefront, while others carry on with the refrain.]
Glory to the Master, the true and only one!
Who in brilliance yields to no one, not even the sun
Sing the joyous message, over mountain, over plain
From the fertile fields of Kansas that are always filled with grain
To New Jersey, whose poisoned air we’ve tried to clean in vain,
Shout the happy paean over yet again
Ring the gladsome bells and merry chimes without delay
Spread the word along the roads and every country way
Let each and every one of us raise our voices as we say
Today is the dawning of a bright new day!
Um, well, yeah . . . [these words are spoken through the orchestral strains opening the next verse, which he then declaims in a manner much less confident than that of the ELDEST SON]
I want to voice agreement with every word my brother said –
I just hope to goodness that he isn’t cold and dead.)
The virus is a fraud, a hoax, as everyone can tell –
(How strange, something’s gone awry with my sense of smell.)
Let’s all take arms as we prepare for our splendiferous march –
(My heartbeat’s racing now and my throat’s begun to parch.)
Oh, no, somebody please get some relief to me very quick!
Because I think I’m about to be horribly, horribly sick!
(The SECOND SON undergoes the same fate as the ELDEST SON, eventually collapsing to the ground, as do as random members in the CHORUS. Another huddle takes place, in which the CHORUS members push the DAUGHTER-IN-LAW ELECT to the forefront to take over for the next verse. By now about half of the chorus remains standing, valiantly continuing the refrain.)
Glory to the Master, the true and only one!
Sing the joyous message, over mountain, over plain
From Napa, whose far-famed wines we avidly obtain
To Texas, where everyone is more or less insane,
Shout the happy paean over yet again
Ring the gladsome bells and merry chimes without delay
Spread the word along the roads and every country way
Let each and every one of us raise our voices as we say
Today is the dawning of a bright new day!
[in ringing Wagnerian tones]
Fear not! The virus is far less worse than it’s frequently been painted.
Don’t be alarmed! they’re not dead; I’m sure they’ve merely fainted.
Oh, no! Even as I speak to you strange symptoms I am feeling:
My legs begin to wobble and my head is simply reeling.
[Turns towards the body of the ELDEST SON lying on the floor.]
How could this state have come about, beloved man of mine?
When we’ve all received our doses of hydroxychloroquine!
No matter – even now, as my voice begins to rasp,
I’ll pledge my support of you to my – last – gasp!
[And those words are indeed her last gasp as she too collapses to the floor, writhing for a brief time before her limbs become still. Many others in the CHORUS have already succumbed, and by this time only about a quarter of them remain conscious and stand upright at the beginning of the refrain.]
Glory to the Master, the true and only one!
Who in brilliance yields to no one, not even the sun
Sing the joyous message, over mountain, over plain
From Manhattan, home of whiners ever-ready to complain,
To Chicago, where no one has ever mastered his domain,
Shout the happy paean over yet again
Ring the gladsome bells and merry chimes without delay
Spread the word along the roads and every country way
Let each and every one of us raise our voices as we say
Today is the dawning of a BRIGHT – NEW – DAY!
[At the end of the last refrain the stage is strewn of the bodies of members of the CHORUS either already expired or in the act of expiring but still managing to sing the last words of the refrain, albeit very feebly. Only one CHORUS member is left standing at the beginning of the last line. He succumbs just after managing to sing the last word. The music continues its triumphant strains as every soloist and every member of the CHORUS is lying on the floor, with rigid limbs and frozen eyes, while the CURTAIN slowly descends.]
Hmm . . . OK, I got carried away. My spirits are reviving considerably after the rather despondent mood of the past few weeks. We’re not in the final stages of the pandemic yet – very far from it – but the fact that we now have a government that recognizes its severity and is taking active steps to counteract it is a great encouragement.
Today’s statistics as of 8:00 PM – # of cases worldwide: 98,038,445; # of deaths worldwide: 2,097,927; # of cases U.S.: 25,181,075; # of deaths; U.S.: 419,912.