Dr. Fauci and the new administration – A (possibly exaggerated) conjecture of the nature of his previous White House consultations – The new illness in India – The rejection of Paxton’s lawsuit – An appropriate blessing for our departing President – Evening statistics
Biden has requested Dr. Fauci to remain in his current role and to be a chief medical advisor in the upcoming administration; and Fauci accepted the offer quickly, indeed with joyful alacrity. The relief that he must be feeling as we transition into the new administration is more readily imagined than described. Does anyone doubt that his previous discussions with our current president have been something like the following? –
DOCTOR: So, I assume you have seen the recommendations in my report.
PRESIDENT: Yes, Doctor, I’ve read it carefully, very carefully I assure you.
DOCTOR: I realize these may seem rather extreme under the circumstances: a lockdown for a minimum of six weeks, a mandate for wearing facemasks, extensive testing in order to get a handle on how fast the virus is increasing, temporarily shutting down bars and gyms and restaurants, a prohibition on social gatherings of more than ten people, even in houses of worship; but I assure you there is no alterna—
PRESIDENT (cutting in): Yes, Doctor, I see what you mean. Let’s discuss these in detail.
PRESIDENT The virus is serious, as we all can see, But so is the nation’s economy, The lockdown that you and the rest recommend Would cause businesses to come to an end. Their claims, they would be beyond belief On funds designated for their relief. It would seriously drain our Treasury, Which is bad for them and worse for me. So you’ll see, being a man of sense, With the lockdown we must entirely dispense. DOCTOR But, Mr. President – PRESIDENT So much for that. Now I must ask Why this insistence upon the mask? It’s so unbecoming; besides, I fear Their strings, they grievously pinch the ear. And my constituents, as you must see, Resent all restraint on their liberty. Their united voices I always heed To secure re-election, the most pressing need. Is the mask worth the risk? Decidedly, no: The mask, dear Doctor – the mask must go. DOCTOR But, Mr. President – PRESIDENT We move on to the issue of the virus test. Really, Doctor, I must protest, If infections have gotten out of hand And are spreading virulently throughout the land, There’s no need to advertise the fact; It would show a preposterous want of tact. With no test results to stoke their fears And dampen our good people’s smiles and cheers There’s less chance of unrest. Since ignorance is bliss, These virus tests I must dismiss. DOCTOR But, Mr. President – PRESIDENT Shutting down of bars – hmm, let’s see; No, with that suggestion I can’t agree. My public’s approval I never can win If I deprive them of their bourbon and gin. It’s no wonder they need the solace of drink When fearmongers have made them, as I think, Jittery, nervous, worried, ill at ease, Recent news has increased their anxieties And put them all in a hell of a funk; That being so, let ‘em get drunk. DOCTOR But, Mr. President – PRESIDENT Religion is hokum, between you and me – I’m sure as a scientist you must agree. But my voting bloc that goes to church I can’t leave those poor slobs all in the lurch. I admit freely it’s true what you say That whenever they assemble to pray And share in a room their mutual breath They increase the risk of illness and death. If to you and me their choice seems odd – It’s not our problem, the outcome’s up to God. DOCTOR But, Mr. President – PRESIDENT Believe me, I value beyond all price The benefit of your good advice. We must discuss these matters again Some time soon; I’m not sure when. But I really must leave now; one of my goals Today is to get in eighteen holes. Oh, well, with so many meetings to align I may have to make do instead with nine; I regard you, Doctor, as a cherished friend – And now this conference has come to an end. DOCTOR But, Mr. President – but, Mr. President –
(The PRESIDENT departs while DOCTOR is making this last attempt to get in a word edgewise. The DOCTOR’s words trail off as he realizes that the attempt is hopeless.)
Actually, now that I look back upon this account I can see that there is something improbable about it. Setting aside the unlikelihood of anyone speaking, let alone singing, in verse during an administrative conference, is it really imaginable that our current President would jeopardize his golfing schedule by holding a meeting just before he is due to show up at the course? I think we can all agree that such a contingency is not in the least plausible. Again, is it all possible that he would pause in the course of his elephantine tread in order to attempt to soothe the feelings of a subordinate with assurances of friendship? Quite a dubious assumption, it seems to me. But what really perplexes me is why authors choose to write about such subjects. I confess that that is completely beyond my comprehension.
In a somewhat less facetious vein, the news from India is better than originally feared. The illness that was reported a few days ago is still serious and its causes are obscure, but it does not appear that it will become another pandemic. There are traces of heavy metals such as lead and nickel in several of the patients’ blood samples, and it is also possible that excessive use of bleach and chlorine in sanitation programs has played a role. It obviously is not to be ignored but at this point its primary causes seem to be environmental factors rather than infection.
Another encouraging development occurred today when the Supreme Court unanimously decided to toss out Ken Paxton’s ludicrous (but seditious) lawsuit to overturn votes in states over which he has not the slightest jurisdiction. The court order did not go into great detail, but stated simply that the state of Texas has no authority to dictate to other states about how they conduct their electoral process. Trump’s immediate relatives have resigned themselves by this time to the fact that the election is over, even if he hasn’t. Melania Trump has begun overseeing shipments of family furniture and art to Mar-a-Lago, where they will move in January, while his daughter and son-in-law, both senior advisers at the White House, are in the process of purchasing bay-front property in Florida. I am tempted to repeat the old joke from Fiddler on the Roof, when the rabbi is asked whether the Jews, who are supposed to have a blessing for everything, have one for the Czar. Certainly, he says, and I now apply his blessing for the Czar to our President: “May the Lord bless and keep Donald Trump – far away from us.”
Today’s statistics as of 8:00 PM – # of cases worldwide: 71,410,367; # of deaths worldwide: 1,600,314; # of cases U.S.: 16,287,609; # of deaths; U.S.: 302,727. Our rate of infection is now close to 5%, or 1 in every 20 of our population.